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Build Muscle Without Weights

Do you seriously want to build muscle without weights? This is something which some people will say is impossible, but it can definitely be done if you take the time to learn the right methods. Here are the basics you need to be able to build muscle without weights, from right now. 1-Basics It is even possible to build muscle without weights with the traditional simple forms of exercise ? exercises which need no special equipment, and which can be done anywhere. These include such exercises as sit ups, press ups etc. These are no going to turn you from a weakling into a champion bodybuilder, but if you are not used to exercising your body, they can be a great way to start. As with any form of exercise, you need regular workouts to see results.

2-Arms Although these general exercises are beneficial, to see real results you will need to concentrate on specific muscle groups. This is the best way to build muscle without weights. Building up the biceps, which is a common starting point amongst aspiring bodybuilders, is not easily done without weights. Probably the best way of going about this is just to use something in place of the weights, such as cans of food. Put the cans into a bag, and you have a makeshift weight to lift.

3-Chest Every bodybuilder wants to work their chest, as this is what gives the appearance of a well built body. To effectively build muscle without weights for your chest, the muscles called the pectoral muscles, one of the simple possibilities is to make regular press ups harder to do. One easy way of accomplishing this is to put your feet up on a chair, making all the weight go in to your arms. You will find these a lot harder to do than the standard press up, so be prepared. 4-Shoulders The shoulders will definitely benefit from basic exercises such as press ups, and even more so from inclined press ups.

One way to go beyond this is to add pull ups. So many people find these exercises hard to perform, so they definitely have the potential to build muscle without weights. To get the very best results from your pull ups, you will need to widen your grips, so that the weight is concentrated in the shoulder area.

This will make sure that the effort you are putting in gets the best possible result, by being directed to the right area. It is hard work, though. It is certainly not difficult to start to build muscle without weights, and you can start this way without needing to invest in gym memberships or home equipment. Click the links below for some great extra resources.

No Gym Workouts
How Do I Build Muscle?


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